How to create a more dynamic speech that wins your audience over.
How to become a successful public speaker? In his mindful communication blog post, I want to share the eight efforts that will make anyone an effective and influential public speaker. Discover the secret behind speaking success.
How to overcome your fear of being put on the spot.
Become more confident when being put on the spot. Most times when we find ourselves speaking in public we are speaking off the cuff or are being put on the spot and come up with a congruent communication. This blog post will help you think on your feet.
7 MUST KNOW elements that will make you the most effective communicator in the room.
Become the most effective communicator in the room and outplay your competition mindfully. Communication is the essential tool to create the advantage needed to progress in your professional career and also to create more meaning and fulfilment in your personal relationships. Mindful Communication will give you the communication edge you are looking for.
The reason you keep having frustrating conversations and what to do about it.
The reason you keep having frustrating conversations and what to do about it. Mindful Communication can help in minutes.
7 top tips to help you prepare for and present at a conference after Covid.
7 top tips to help you prepare for and present at a conference after Covid. Not everyone is born to speak on stage but most of us will have to give a presentation or talk at least once in our careers so it is good to know how to overcome the fear of public speaking.
Once bitten twice shy, 5 ways to overcome your fear of public speaking.
One may not think so, but glossophobia – the fear of public speaking – is a very common phobia and is estimated to affect up to 77% [1] of the world's population. Who would have thought? For some, it may express itself as a slight nervousness at the prospect of public speaking, while others experience full-on panic attacks and intense fear. Learn how you can overcome your fear of public speaking with 5 simple tools.
How to get more out of your people by tapping into the secret drivers of their behaviour.
Archetypes permeate the invisible fabric of our everyday choices and behaviours. Understanding what makes yourself and people tick is the key to great communication results.
Supercharge your meeting productivity by understanding the difference between your map and the territory
Supercharge your meeting and presentions by allowing all participants to actually participate in the meeting. Mindful communication will give you the ability to understand the difference between the mental map and the territory.
Four ingredients to make your next meeting and presentation a success.
How will you ensure your next meeting or presentation is a success? These 4 ingredients will give you the tools you need to succeed.
Ten tools to increase the efficiency of your meetings.
Ten tools that will help you increase the efficiency of your meetings. Mindful communication can give you the tools you need to make sure you can lead teams and groups effectively through meetings.
The benefits of body language and how you can use it to your advantage.
How can you take advantage of nonverbal communication and get more out of your meetings and presentations with the power of being mindful of your body language?
Dealing with difficult conversations mindfully and effectively.
Dealing with difficult conversations can be tricky but it is necessary to build productivity and healthy business culture. Mindful Communication allows for dealing with difficult conversations with more empathy.
It’s a people business: how managers can produce top-notch performance by developing their people.
If someone asked if you could distil the job of a manager down to its very essence, what would you say it is?
The answer is already in the job title: to manage the company’s people. The purpose of any company is to produce profitable results, but those results depend entirely on the efforts of the people who work for it.
This makes a company's people the most valuable asset that a company can own.
How mindfulness will change the way you live, love and communicate.
From the time we wake up to the moment we get home from work, our daily routines can often feel like riding whitewater rapids of competing demands. To get through the hectic day, we mostly rely on habit, reacting automatically rather than responding mindfully and with an intention to whatever life, and other people, throw at us. Many of us want to reclaim control over our lives, but how? Let me share with you the superpower that is at your disposal 24/7.
Do you suffer from a fixed mindset and need to change but don’t know how?
Our ability to create change, connect better with others and achieve the goals we set out to achieve are encoded in our mindset. We either grow and develop or we remain fixed and slowly get left behind in an ever-evolving world. The choice is ours.
How Mindful Communication will help you to connect with more meaning and become more productive.
Learn how mindful communication can help you to connect with more meaning and allow you to open a channel of conversation that bridges cultures and traditions with ease. Connect at the root cause of all problems and solutions.
Why being emotionally mindful will change your relationships forever.
Our emotions aren't rigit. We all can improve our emotional responsiveness by improving our availability for emotional mindfulness and internal dialogue.
How emotional intelligence can take away the pressure and stress.
You and I know that emotional intelligence enables us to be mindful of our emotions and the thoughts they birth and leverage them to reach our goals with less effort and more efficiency.
The dominating question then is; how can you use the power of your emotions without them overwhelming you or leading you astray by building negative thought patterns?
How Mindful Communication can build the bridges you need to succeed.
Mindfulness is not simply something you practice at home on your meditation pillow. Mindfulness is also a way of communicating more effectively to resolve conflict and become a more confident speaker or presenter.
To connect with deeper meaning and heal your inner self from the trauma of modern living. Find out how in this blog.
How to lose your fear of public speaking
This is the story of Paul, an average guy just like you and me and, just like many of us, he was afraid of public speaking.
Every time he would stand up in a meeting at his firm he would be nervous beforehand and, as he rose, his mind would go blank, maybe you are familiar with this yourself. Let’s find out how you can change this fear today!