How to lose your fear of public speaking

Paul was an average guy just like you and me and, just like many of us, he was afraid of public speaking.

Every time he would stand up in a meeting at his firm he would be nervous beforehand and, as he rose, his mind would go blank, maybe you are familiar with this yourself.

Have you ever wondered what is happening to Paul at this moment when he gets up to speak in public and freezes?

The brain is a rather intricate organ I think you would agree with this but, what is not so complicated is taking control of your fear of public speaking and that, begins in the mind-body connection.

Ask yourself this; how do you feel when you are about to do some public speaking? What is your internal story about yourself when you speak in public? What do you think others are thinking about you and how do you know that what you are thinking is true?

Like Paul, who focussed on what others think about him he gave away his public speaking power. Allowing your focus to drift from what is important when you are presenting is like letting go of the steering wheel when you are driving.

Paul enrolled into our 12-week public speaking storytelling challenge and learned how to redirect his focus back to his body language and become aware of what is alive in him and so, could break through the public speaking barriers that held him back.

To be more like Paul there are only three things you need to do.

  1. Understand that what you focus on is what you get. Managing your mind becomes crucial for success. Check our internal story and make sure it is not imagined scenarios going wild in your mind and body.

  2. Create good structure in your presentation or wedding speech or talk and know that every speech is better when you have prepared it properly. This will give you a sense of security and confidence. Prepare your public speaking engagement well in advance and record it or get feedback from others.

  3. Be present when you present. it is not good to be in the future with what “potentially” could happen. remain what is and pump your energy into the room without thinking of what the future may hold. You prepared yourself enough, now it is time to solemnly focus on the action just like a football player focuses on catching the ball that is in play now, not the ball that will come his way in the second half.

Paul made the decision to become a better public speaker and stepped up to the challenge. The question is are you willing to step up and do what it takes to become a better and fearless public speaker?


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