Timothy Born Timothy Born

Surviving workplace chaos, mindfully.

Have you ever tapped into the power of truly listening to someone's perspective? Then you know it's a game-changer! Imagine how connecting with your team on a whole new level, fostering empathy, and resolving conflicts with grace would change your conversations. This blog post might make a start for you or deepen what you already know.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

Stop running from conflicts and find solutions that work, here's how. 

Mindful conflict resolution is a transformative approach, urging you to be present in disagreements. By tuning into emotions and decoding subtle cues, you gain deeper insights, fostering empathy. This mindset creates a space for understanding, allowing you to navigate conflicts constructively. It transcends immediate tensions, fortifying relationships through genuine understanding and open communication.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

Harnessing the Power of the DISC Personality Model for Mindful Communication, Strong Community Bonds, and Great Teamwork

The DISC model's D (Dominance), I (Influence), S (Steadiness), and C (Conscientiousness) personality traits offer numerous benefits in various aspects of life, including personal development, communication, teamwork, and leadership. Understanding your own DISC profile provides valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement, enabling personal growth and enhanced self-awareness. Moreover, applying DISC principles in interpersonal communication helps you adapt your communication styles to connect more effectively with others, ultimately leading to better relationships and reduced conflicts. In team settings, recognizing and respecting diverse DISC profiles can lead to improved collaboration, more productive meetings, and enhanced problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, leaders who incorporate DISC insights into their leadership styles can better motivate and guide their teams, resulting in increased employee satisfaction and overall success in both personal and professional spheres.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

How to navigate stress & pressure Mastering Composure in Your Busy Life with mindfulness

Navigating stress and pressure while mastering composure within your busy life is achievable through mindful communication. By integrating mindfulness into your interactions, you can become more attuned to your own reactions and those of others. This awareness allows you to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively in challenging situations. Mindful communication fosters understanding, defuses tension, and promotes effective collaboration, ultimately helping you navigate the demands of your hectic lifestyle with greater resilience and harmony.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

How to avoid getting emotionally hijacked

Unlocking emotional intelligence enables individuals to understand, manage, and navigate their emotions effectively. It empowers them to recognize their feelings and those of others, fostering better communication, relationships, and decision-making. By gaining control over emotional reactions, people can avoid emotional hijacks—sudden, overwhelming emotional responses that can lead to poor choices and strained interactions. Developing emotional intelligence promotes self-awareness, empathy, and resilience, enhancing both personal and professional aspects of life.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

Unlocking Success: The Power of emotional intelligence

How do you guide your decisions and how do you know they are the right decisions? Emotional intelligence can help, it refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves being aware of our emotions, expressing them appropriately, and effectively using emotional information to guide our thoughts and actions. Read on if you want to know more!

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

Why you aren’t confident, yet!

Understanding how self-talk and mindfulness will help you to build your confidence and shine in any environment, personal and professional. Here is everything you need to know to make it happen.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

How to overcome your fear of being put on the spot.

Become more confident when being put on the spot. Most times when we find ourselves speaking in public we are speaking off the cuff or are being put on the spot and come up with a congruent communication. This blog post will help you think on your feet.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

Once bitten twice shy, 5 ways to overcome your fear of public speaking.

One may not think so, but glossophobia – the fear of public speaking – is a very common phobia and is estimated to affect up to 77% [1] of the world's population. Who would have thought? For some, it may express itself as a slight nervousness at the prospect of public speaking, while others experience full-on panic attacks and intense fear. Learn how you can overcome your fear of public speaking with 5 simple tools.

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