Timothy Born Timothy Born

Surviving workplace chaos, mindfully.

Have you ever tapped into the power of truly listening to someone's perspective? Then you know it's a game-changer! Imagine how connecting with your team on a whole new level, fostering empathy, and resolving conflicts with grace would change your conversations. This blog post might make a start for you or deepen what you already know.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

It’s a people business: how managers can produce top-notch performance by developing their people.  

If someone asked if you could distil the job of a manager down to its very essence, what would you say it is?

The answer is already in the job title: to manage the company’s people. The purpose of any company is to produce profitable results, but those results depend entirely on the efforts of the people who work for it.

This makes a company's people the most valuable asset that a company can own.

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