Timothy Born Timothy Born

Unlocking Success: The Power of emotional intelligence

How do you guide your decisions and how do you know they are the right decisions? Emotional intelligence can help, it refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves being aware of our emotions, expressing them appropriately, and effectively using emotional information to guide our thoughts and actions. Read on if you want to know more!

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

How to overcome your fear of being put on the spot.

Become more confident when being put on the spot. Most times when we find ourselves speaking in public we are speaking off the cuff or are being put on the spot and come up with a congruent communication. This blog post will help you think on your feet.

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Timothy Born Timothy Born

It’s a people business: how managers can produce top-notch performance by developing their people.  

If someone asked if you could distil the job of a manager down to its very essence, what would you say it is?

The answer is already in the job title: to manage the company’s people. The purpose of any company is to produce profitable results, but those results depend entirely on the efforts of the people who work for it.

This makes a company's people the most valuable asset that a company can own.

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